All in green!
about 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Happy St.Patrick’s Day!
Winner of "Swap Chairs with the Principal for a Day"
about 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
Swap Chairs
McTeacher Night is in full swing!
about 6 years ago, Nicole Motl
Come join the fun!
Shamrock Shakes are a hit!
Prairie Grove 46 mourns the loss and honors the memory of our hero, Deputy Jacob Keltner. To the Keltner family, the McHenry Co Sheriffs Dept and all our community We grieve with you. We stand with you and by your side.
about 6 years ago, WebMaster
PG Blue Ribbon
IMPORTANT REMINDER!! Wednesday is McTeacher night for PG46.
about 6 years ago, John Bute
McTeacher night reminder
We are getting our “act” together.
about 6 years ago, Kristin Reedal
Mrs. Bellavia’s 7th grade class learning about physical & chemical changes
about 6 years ago, BETHANY BELLAVIA
Six grade art students work on design and sewing of freedom quilts
about 6 years ago, Linda Williams
Mrs. Bellavia’s 6th grade class is learning about the law of superposition and the Geological History of Earth
about 6 years ago, BETHANY BELLAVIA
Congratulations to a successful 8th Grade VS Faculty Basketball Game!
about 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
2019 8th Grade VS Faculty Basketball Game! Faculty Won!
Thank you to everyone who came out yesterday afternoon to cheer on our students and staff during the annual basketball game.
about 6 years ago, Nicole Motl
Group Picture
Student vs Faculty game is underway!
about 6 years ago, Nicole Motl
Students leading 7-2
Great start!
@PG fun fair
about 6 years ago, John Bute
Fun fair fun
6th Grade Lady Panthers Celebrating an Awesomely Fun & Successful Season!! 🏀
about 6 years ago, Kevin Werner
Mrs. Rohrer’s class field trip to Coral Woods - Festival of the Sugar Maples!
about 6 years ago, Joanne Rohrer
We’re cold but happy!
Second Grade ❤️ Book Corner! Thank you parents for coming in to read to us!
about 6 years ago, Liz Vinton
We ❤️ Book Corner!
We ❤️ Book Corner!
We ❤️ Book Corner!
First Grade sharing their favorite piggie and elephant books with Second Grade today! 🐘🐖🐘
about 6 years ago, Liz Vinton
first grade sharing their favorite piggie and elephant books with Second Grade today!
First Grade sharing their favorite piggie and elephant books with Second Grade!
Furst Grade sharing their favorite piggie and elephant books with Second Grade!
Congratulations to the 7th Girls Basketball Team for winning the MNC 7th Girls Basketball Consolation Tournament!!!
about 6 years ago, Janna Asp
7th Girls Basketball Team
Building teamwork and practicing counting to 100 with cup stacking in Spanish class.
about 6 years ago, Deanna Yanez
Building teamwork and practicing counting to 100 with cup stacking in Spanish class.
Ms. Bolla’s class made some breakfast burritos this morning. Yummy! 😋
about 6 years ago, Dori Bolla
Breakfast burritos in the making.
Breakfast burritos in the making.
Breakfast burritos in the making.