Congratulations to our amazing staff for defeating the 8th graders in an exciting game! Thank you to Choir for starting our event off with an outstanding National Anthem, our Student Council for organizing fun knockout games and raffles throughout the event. The competition was fierce, the crowd was incredible, and the sportsmanship was top-notch.
Way to go, Panthers!!

Jazz Band 1 received numerous accolades the past two weekends at Jazz in the Meadows and the Mundelein Jazz Invitational! Congratulations to the band on two fantastic performances, and to all the individuals who earned awards!
- JITM: Jazz 1 earned 3rd Place overall
- JITM: James C and Hank H earned Outstanding Musician honors
- MJI: the Rhythm Section earned the Outstanding Section Award (Sydney D, Korin G, Hank H, George H)
- MJI: Korin G (bass) earned the Outstanding Soloist Award
- MJI: Otto B, James C, Korin G, Hank H, Reed L, and Brandon P earned Outstanding Musician honors
(Note: MJI does not rank JH/MS bands like JITM, so there are no placement awards there)
Excellent work, Jazz 1! The tradition of excellence in PG Bands continues!

Sixth grade art students working on their team shields for the Greek Olympics ceremony.

Elementary yearbooks are on sale for $20 through your Skyward account. The sale ends Friday (3/7), order yours TODAY!

5th-8th Grade Track Practice Starts Soon! Lace up those running shoes and get ready to hit the track—it’s go time!
5th Grade Track Practice begins on March 10th 2:40-4:30.
6-8th Grade Track Practice begins March 11th 2:40-4:30.
Any questions reach out to athletics@dist46.org

This summer we will be hosting a 5-8th Grade Basketball Camp! Camp information can be located on the Athletic Website Summer Camp tab! Deadline to sign up is May 9th!
Dates: 8/4-8/7 and 8/11- 8/14
Times vary- see handout!

The Prairie Grove Elementary Yearbook is now on sale for $20. Sale ends February 28th. Order yours today on Skyward before it's too late.

FACS 7 Scrambled eggs & toast lab!

Happy Valentine's Day from our 6th grade team and all of our PG Staff!

This week JH TECE had a guest speaker about film making. Ms. Chambers has worked on dozens of films such as Jumanji 2 and Transformers. She is generally in charge of transportation and housing for everything involved in the film. She's an amazing inspiration in the arts.

Today's guest chef: Miss Bosley's dad, Mr. Bosley! Of course he came to help make her famous chocolate chip cookies 🍪😋

All PGJH after school activities are cancelled for today 2/12/25.
Thank you,
Ms. Cotton

The elementary yearbook is now on sale for $20. You can order yours today on Skyward. Sale ends February 28th.

2025-2026 Preschool and Kindergarten Registration is now open!
We are looking forward to welcoming our newest Panthers!
If you have a friend or neighbor that is new to PG46 and does not currently have a student enrolled in our schools, feel free to share the following link with them or ask them to contact the District Office (815-893-6176) for more info!
LINK: www.dist46.org/kindy

The Elementary yearbook is now on sale! The yearbook is $20 and can be ordered on Skyward until February 28th. Order yours today!
Congratulations to 4th grader Clara M. On winning the cover design contest!

Junior High yearbook ordering is coming to an end! Order yours today on Skyward!

The PGJH scholastic bowl team had fun competing against and learning from the Prairie Ridge High School scholastic bowl team on January 24th. We look forward to our first official meet this Thursday!

6th Grade Social Studies performing their talk show of Chinese Philosophers

Due to the extreme cold forecasted for tomorrow, Prairie Grove 46 schools will be closed Tuesday, January 21, 2025. All after-school student activities will also be canceled. Schools will reopen on Wednesday, January 22nd.

Congratulations to our 6th grade girls basketball team for an amazing start to the season with a victory over Big Hollow! Keep up the hard work PG!