On Friday, the 6th graders took a field trip to the Rockford Discovery Museum. They enjoyed learning about colors, light, and all things science!

Good Luck at the 7th MNC Consolation Tournament at Fox River Grove!
First game against Harrison @ 4:15pm and second game against Hiawatha @ 6:15pm.

Good Luck 8th Girls Basketball in the first round of the MNC Girls Basketball Tournament! Prairie Grove will play Fox River Grove @ 5:15pm.

Spring play Saturday rehearsal.

6th grade girls played awesome today and came within five points of a conference championship! They worked well as a team and achieved so much together! Their futures are so bright!

Celebrating Read Across America Day!

Celebrating Dr. Seuss’s Birthday! 🎈🎈

8th Graders traveled back in time to explore The Roaring 20s today. Students determined three aspects of the 1920s that they are interested in researching further. Looking forward to THEIR future gallery of the 1920s once they rock out their research! 😊 #pg46pride

Great 1st Round Victory at Conference Tourney!! 🏆 Rounds Tomorrow in Johnsburg!! Go 6th Grade Lady Panthers!!

What happens when we combine rules from football, soccer, dodgeball, and Gaga ball; AND use a giant ball? You get “Monster Ball.”

Special guest, Mrs. Rohrer, took a break from 2nd grade to read a Dr. Seuss book to Miss Rohrer’s kindergarteners today!

Mark your calendars! On Wednesday, March 13th Prairie Grove Elementary and Junior High School will celebrate McTeacher’s Night at the McDonald’s located at 230 N. Rt. 31, Crystal Lake. During the event a group of teachers and staff will roll up their sleeves, put on an apron and assist the McDonald’s restaurant with taking orders, making shakes and serving your favorite McDonald’s food. Entertainment provided by our very own Prairie Grove School Band! Hope to see you there!

Digital Citizenship learning about social media privacy

Digital Citizenship learning about social media privacy

Seventh grade architectural drafting projects

Ms. Bolla’s class went on a Community Based Instruction at Walmart this morning.

Seventh grade architectural drafting projects

First grade Field trip Fun at the Raue Center

Eighth grade sculpture students created their ceiling tiles

Eighth grade sculpture creating their plaster masks