Spring pictures are tomorrow!

DATE CHANGE: Our mobile dentist date has been changed. They will be here on April 30, 2019. Thanks!

Field Day STEM supplies needed! Please donate items by April 26th! Thank you!

Most of the spring play cast and crew.

The aftermath of a really egg-cellent chemical reaction lab! #handsonlearning #kidsdeserveit #funinscience

7th grade science learning about evidence of chemical reactions! #secretmessages #invisibleink #chemicals #handsonscience

Mrs. Bellavia’s 6th grade science modeling the Earth’s timeline to scale.

Ms. Bolla’s class is having a blast at the Discovery Center in Rockford. 🎉 🧬

Two lucky Fun Fair winners got escorted to school by our very own Prairie Grove Police Department this week! Thank you to the PTO and the PG Police.

Awards for Best Bus Rider and Bus Safety to Carter and Addison!

Third grade loved their Fun Fair pizza Party. Thanks PTO!

Congratulations to the 3rd Grade and Co-Curricular PTO Fun Fair Raffle WINNERS!! We had such a great lunch together provided by our PTO! Thank you PTO!

Kindergarten Fun Fair Lunch!

Poison prevention in Kindergarten.

Fourth graders loved their fun fair pizza party- Thanks PTO!!

First graders enjoying the Fun Fair Pizza Party!!!

Check out @ABC7Chicago at 4:30PM today! PG46 efforts to combat vaping and bullying will be a featured story! #pg46pride

Winners from McTeacher Night! Congratulations Travis and Riley! ❤️

5th Grade Challenger Learning Center