3rd Grade "Gallery Walk" focusing on the major events in our novel!
over 6 years ago, Melissa Bak
Gallery Walk
Plot Diagram
Going batty in first grade!
over 6 years ago, Lindsay Lupo
Going Batty!
THANK YOU Prairie Grove Students, Teachers, & Staff. You are the BEST. All the letters warmed our hearts and put big smiles on our faces. Sincerely, All the Bus Drivers
over 6 years ago, Kim Boltz
Bus Driver Appreciation
Engagement is high as fourth graders work together to solve multiplication problems with a Jenga twist!
over 6 years ago, Jessica Langosch
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
Engagement is high as fourth graders work together to solve multiplication problems with a Jenga twist!
over 6 years ago, Jessica Langosch
4th graders putting service over self!!
over 6 years ago, Laura Reiman
Kids Care Project
Engagement is high as fourth graders work together to solve multiplication problems with a Jenga twist!
over 6 years ago, Jessica Langosch
6th/7th grade math students playing integer war.
over 6 years ago, Kristin Reedal
1st Grade ready for Red Ribbon Hat Day!
over 6 years ago, Charlie DeVries
Grade 1
4th graders putting service over self with Kids Care project ❤️
over 6 years ago, Laura Reiman
Kids Care
JH Fall Choir Concert was a standing room only success! What a wonderful group of talented students! Great job Mrs. Spella!
over 6 years ago, Kevin Werner
senior choir
senior choir
all groups
Bus Driver Appreciation Week!
over 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Thank you to all our wonderful bus drivers!
Bus Driver Appreciation Week!
A new first grade author!
over 6 years ago, Kathleen Janke
A new first grade author!
8th Grade morning routine!
over 6 years ago, Heather Wilke
8th Grade morning routine
Red Ribbon Week has started!
over 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Red Ribbon Week has started!
Students vs Faculty Volleyball Game 2018! Thanks to all who played, volunteered, attended & donated to support this event! PG raised $160 to be donated to Breast Cancer Research! #pg46pride
over 6 years ago, WebMaster
Student vs Faculty Volleyball 2018
D46 traffic patrol aimed to ease vehicular traffic off IL Route 176 and keep students safe!!! Job well done Ms. Maggiore!!
over 6 years ago, Kevin Werner
traffic patrol
Our 6th Graders are starting a Kindness Revolution! Here's a sneak peek of them working on their bits of inspiration and reminders 😊: https://bit.ly/2Aho7DH #pg46pride #B3B4U #DigitalCitizenshipWeek
over 6 years ago, Kaitlyn Hart
6th and 7th Grade math students shopping for flooring to complete a scale drawing project.
over 6 years ago, Kristin Reedal
Prairie Grove District 46 will be participating in the National Bus Safety Week & Bus Driver Appreciation Week, October 22 - 26, 2018 @NAPTHQ #NSBSW
over 6 years ago, Kim Boltz
2018 National School Bus Safety Week winning poster
National Association for Pupil Transportation Bus Safety Tips