3rd Grade "Gallery Walk" focusing on the major events in our novel!

Going batty in first grade!

THANK YOU Prairie Grove Students, Teachers, & Staff. You are the BEST. All the letters warmed our hearts and put big smiles on our faces. Sincerely, All the Bus Drivers

Engagement is high as fourth graders work together to solve multiplication problems with a Jenga twist!

Engagement is high as fourth graders work together to solve multiplication problems with a Jenga twist!

4th graders putting service over self!!

Engagement is high as fourth graders work together to solve multiplication problems with a Jenga twist!

6th/7th grade math students playing integer war.

1st Grade ready for Red Ribbon Hat Day!

4th graders putting service over self with Kids Care project ❤️

JH Fall Choir Concert was a standing room only success! What a wonderful group of talented students! Great job Mrs. Spella!

Bus Driver Appreciation Week!

A new first grade author!

8th Grade morning routine!

Red Ribbon Week has started!

Students vs Faculty Volleyball Game 2018! Thanks to all who played, volunteered, attended & donated to support this event! PG raised $160 to be donated to Breast Cancer Research! #pg46pride

D46 traffic patrol aimed to ease vehicular traffic off IL Route 176 and keep students safe!!!
Job well done Ms. Maggiore!!

Our 6th Graders are starting a Kindness Revolution! Here's a sneak peek of them working on their bits of inspiration and reminders 😊: https://bit.ly/2Aho7DH #pg46pride #B3B4U #DigitalCitizenshipWeek

6th and 7th Grade math students shopping for flooring to complete a scale drawing project.

Prairie Grove District 46 will be participating in the National Bus Safety Week & Bus Driver Appreciation Week, October 22 - 26, 2018 @NAPTHQ #NSBSW