Prairie Grove Spice Girls

Prairie Grove Elementary Halloween Parade!

Elementary Halloween Parade

Elementary Parade is a go at PG this morning (10:30 start).

There is “Room on the Broom” in 1st grade!

How will you inspire, lead & teach others to be safe, responsible & respectful Digital Citizens? 6th Grdrs collaborate on spreading their Digital Citizenship messages to their peers.😊Public Service Announcements, digital books, comics & more! #pg46pride #B3B4U #BeInternetAwesome

7th graders learning how our sense of smell is closely linked to memories. #sciencematters #handsonlearning #kidsdeserveit

Thank you Prairie Ridge student council for the great Fall cards!

The Erin's Law parent presentation is going to be in the junior high library instead of the junior high gym. We hope to see many of you soon!

We were honored to have Sergeant Asplund from the McHenry County Sheriff’s Office & Deputy Chief Freese from the Prairie Grove Police Department here to speak with our 6th Graders about Cyber Safety and managing a safe digital footprint. Thank you so much! 😊#pg46pride

Seventh and eighth grade architectural field trip to Frank Lloyd Wright home and studio

Go PR! Thank you Mrs. Orr’s class and Mrs. Schmidt!

#GenerationG #BeKind #BeAccepting #BeGenerous Generation G is simply a conscious decision to be better

School Spirit during Daily 5 Word Work in 1st Grade!

seventh and eighth grade architectural drafting students finalized their designs for the trimester

6th graders learning about ecosystem biodiversity

7th graders putting the mysterious solutions to the test! #5senses #mysterysolutions

What’s inside the cups? #bodilysenses #sensoryreceptors #guessinggame

Way to go 8th grade basketball!! Another solid performance to successful start of the season!! 🏀

5th Graders learning about volume of 3D figures!