Prairie Grove District 46 will be participating in the National Bus Safety Week & Bus Driver Appreciation Week, October 22 - 26, 2018 @NAPTHQ #NSBSW

We hope to see you this evening for our Parent Seminar where speakers Mrs. Laura Crain, who is the Drug Free Community Grant Coordinator for the McHenry County Substance Abuse Coalition, and Mr. Adam Carson, a Lake in the Hills Police Officer, will be here to share with you information related to E-Cigarettes and Vaping. The presentation will begin at 6:30 in the JH Gym.

We encourage all of our students to take our district-provided bus transportation. We have seen an influx of elementary parents choosing to drive their children to school. This has created quite a bit of congestion in our drop off line, which is spilling out onto Route 176. Please consider sending your child to school on the bus! Thank you in advance.

6th gd science learning about squirrel ecosystem interdependence by playing a tagging game outside

When faced with scenarios of cruel texts, our 6th Graders discussed UPSTANDing ways to respond or support! Way to ROAR, Panthers! 😊 #pg46pride #B3B4U

Our ringer

Staff v Student volleyball....someone’s playing for a cure!

3rd graders learning multiplication by making equal groups and using repeated addition!

3rd graders learning multiplication by making equal groups and using repeated addition!

Initiating book talks with our conversation starter sticks!

3rd graders learning multiplication by making equal groups and using repeated addition!

One of the 6th grade Friday R.O.A.R. reward activities is quilting. These students are learning to sew log cabin blocks!

Thank you TEAM for the awesome messages/keepsake!! It was a honor teaming up with Coach Piech & working with you! Panthers are the Best!!

Co-ed 7th/8th grade soccer - end of season celebration!! Great group of Student Athletes!! Congratulations on all your Success!!! Go Panthers!

JH ROAR Reward ~ Enjoyed by both students and staff!! 😊 #pg46pride

Practicing identifying text structures!

Thanks, PTO for the fun Fall activity!

First Grade Fun at the Pumpkin Patch

Group discussion and activities for The One and Only Ivan!

6th Graders rocked #BeInternetAwesome discussions today! We learned about the power of our words & about the impact of being an Upstander Vs a Bystander. Students shared amazing ways they plan to spread kindness today. So proud of you, Panthers!😊#pg46pride #B3B4U