Physical education storage units!!

New staff orientation day

In order to try out for PG Athletics you NEED:
1) Agreement to Participate filled out (on Athletic Website under Important Forms/Info)
2) Updated/current physical turned into the Nurse
Please get this completed before tryouts!

Our ECE Teachers will be hosting ECE/Preschool Orientation on Monday 8/19/19 from 3:30-4:00PM in the MPR for all incoming preschool parents and children!! Please contact the District Office if you have any questions! Looking forward to seeing all of our NEW Panthers!

PG school construction updates 09 August 2019

PG school construction updates 09 August 2019

PG school construction updates 09 August 2019

PG school construction updates 09 August 2019

7-8th Co-Ed Soccer Tryouts are August 26th & August 27th 2:45-4:30! In order to try out you NEED ... 1) Agreement to Participate filled out (on Athletic Website, Important Forms/Info) 2) Updated/current physical

6-8th Grade Cross Country and 7th and 8th Grade Volleyball Tryouts are August 22nd & August 23rd 2:45-4:30! In order to try out you NEED ...
1) Agreement to Participate filled out (on Athletic Website, important forms/info)
2) Updated/current physical

Student Schedules/Teacher Assignments:
Returning Families/Students: Available via powerschool beginning at 3p.m. on Friday, August 9th
New Families/Students & Kindergarten: Mailing will be sent home with powerschool login information and student schedules/teacher assignments

Important Upcoming PG Events:
New Family Meet & Greet: 8/19 4:00-4:30
Kindergarten Orientation 8/19 4:45-5:15
1st Day of Student Attendance: Wednesday, August 21st
Meet the Teacher: 8/21 Last Names A-M: 4:30-5:00 &
Last Names: N-Z: 5:00-5:30

It’s moving back in day!!!

FINAL REMINDER! Registration Days ends at 2PM TODAY!
If you have not yet stopped by to Register we are here for another hour!
Thank you to all PG Families that have visited us!
First Day of School is in nineteen (19!) days!

PG school construction updates 02 August 2019

PG school construction updates 02 August 2019

PG school construction updates 02 August 2019

PG school construction updates 02 August 2019

PG school construction updates 02 August 2019. Two and a half weeks until school starts!

PG school registration, in progress 02 August 2019...we are open until 2pm today.