First Day in first grade!

Celebrating author Mo Willems and his book “Pigeon Goes to School”

What a fantastic day! We hope to see all of our parents and students back this evening for our Meet the Teacher event (A-M 4:30-5:00, N-Z 5:00-5:30) Overflow parking is available at Snap-on starting at 4:15p.m.

Kindergarten is ready to roll!

Dr. Bute busy building!

6th grade STEM kicking off the year student-led & student-centered!

6th grade STEM kicking off the year student-led & student-centered!

A special hero family welcome.

Welcome back

We’re excited to have all of our students back on campus today!

Yeah!! Tomorrow (August 21) is our first student day of the 2019-20 school term. Like young minds...PG is “Under Construction”! See you in the morning.

We are looking forward to seeing all of our amazing PG students tomorrow! This will be a "pawsitively" fantastic year! Go Panthers!

6-8th Grade Cross Country Tryouts Thursday and Friday! In order to try out you NEED:
1) Agreement to Participate filled out
2) Updated/current physical turned into the Nurse
Please get this completed before tryouts!

7 and 8th Grade Girls Volleyball Tryouts Thursday and Friday! In order to try out you NEED:
1) Agreement to Participate filled out (on Athletic Website under Important Forms/Info)
2) Updated/current physical turned into the Nurse
Please get this completed before tryouts!

Service recognition morning.

Service recognition morning!

If you are missing any part of your registration, TODAY is the day to complete it! Please report to the Instructional Office between 3 pm and 6 pm TODAY - PG Staff are ready to help!
Click here for more details: http://bit.ly/pg46registration

PG school construction updates 16 August 2019 - These will be the last updates before completion and dedication.

PG school construction updates 16 August 2019 - These will be the last updates before completion and dedication.

PG school construction updates 16 August 2019 - These will be the last updates before completion and dedication.