2nd trimester STEM is building their Alternative Energy projects #PLTW #STEM #handsonlearning
over 6 years ago, BETHANY BELLAVIA
Solar power
Local Cub Scouts and the Toys for Tots drive.
over 6 years ago, John Bute
Toy for Tots
8th grade social studies students hard at work on their political cartoons.
over 6 years ago, Peggy Page
8th grade social studies students hard at work on their political cartoons.
The book fair is open tonight until 7:00 and again on Sunday from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
over 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
We are thankful for our Panthers' giving spirit during this holiday season!
over 6 years ago, Nicole Motl
 Food Drive Collection
Food Drive Collection
Penny War Competitors
Fourth graders hard at work preparing their Trickster Tale comparison scripts! We can’t wait to record our newscasts next week!
over 6 years ago, Jessica Langosch
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
4th grade
Mrs. Coffey's 3rd Grade STEM Class ROCKED Hour of CODE! #pg46pride #hourofcode
over 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Our story time helpers for the PG Winter Book Fair!
over 6 years ago, Melissa Bak
5th Grade
Mrs. Coffey's 3rd Grade STEM Class ROCKED Hour of CODE! #pg46pride #hourofcode
over 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Mrs. Vaughan's 4th Grade STEM Class ROCKED Hour of CODE! #pg46pride #hourofcode
over 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
What is YOUR sport?! 😀
over 6 years ago, Liz Vinton
What is YOUR sport?!  😀
6th and 7th graders playing spoons to find equivalent expressions.
over 6 years ago, Kristin Reedal
8th Grade Students counting the food we collected for the food drive!
over 6 years ago, Heather Wilke
8th Grade students counting the food we collected for the food drive!
Congrats to the 7BBall team for finishing 2nd in the conference tournament. It was a tough loss but I am proud that our team played with the heart of a champ.
over 6 years ago, John Bute
Team photo
Mrs. Tomasi's 2nd Grade STEM Class ROCKED Hour of CODE! #pg46pride #hourofcode
over 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Good Luck to our 7th Grade Boys Basketball Team playing in the Conference Championship today at 4:15 in Marengo! Go Panthers! PG Proud!
over 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Ms. Krzciuk's 3rd Grade STEM Class ROCKED Hour of CODE! #pg46pride #hourofcode
over 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Mrs. Reiman's 4th Grade STEM Class ROCKED Hour of CODE! #pg46pride #hourofcode
over 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
Hour of Code!
First grade is making a wish list at the Book Fair!
over 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
First grade is making a wish list at the book fair!
Mrs. Reiman's 4th Grade STEM Class ROCKED Hour of CODE! #pg46pride #hourofcode
over 6 years ago, Colleen Cotton