The Prairie Grove Transportation Department will be using the Snow Plan Route, Today, Wednesday, February 13th, for morning, midday, and afternoon routes due to the icy road conditions.

Congrats goes out to our awesome 6th grade student athletes who earned their 1st victory of the young season tonight!!🏀

5th Graders making products for the Free Market Economy project!

5th Graders making products for the Free Market Economy project!

Creative Button Makers for Free Market Economy in 5th grade!

Prairie Grove Transportation will be implementing the Snow Route Plan for today, February 12th, for the morning, midday, and afternoon routes.

Second Grade ❤️ Book Corner! Thank you parents for coming in to read to us today!

Ms. Bolla’s class made some homemade Mac ‘n Cheese

Due to inclement weather and out of concern for the safety of our athletes and families, Girls Basketball Home and Away games have been cancelled for this afternoon, February 7th.

Mrs. Vinton’s second grade reading Zoobooks to Mrs. Orr’s first grade today! ❤️

Pack the Place 2019! Thanks Mr. Crylen for playing the National Anthem to start the game!

First grade is 100 days smarter!

Eighth grade sculpture students working on their plaster masks

Eighth grade sculpture students working on their plaster masks

7th graders seeing chemical compounds on a molecular level

PGJH Pack the Place: Girls Basketball Games: Due to the inclement weather forecast for tonight, the 7th grade game will start @ 4p.m. The 8th grade game will begin immediately after the completion of the 7th grade game. Our 6th grade game begins at 4:15p.m. Go Panthers!

The bungee run at the PG hangout.

PG hangout.

A little cold and snow won’t stop this team! Third grade teachers are nailing down Social Studies and Science! #pg46pride #engagement #ourteachersrock

YMCA after school care at Prairie Grove will remain open today, January 29, 2019.