Holocaust survivor, Mr. Steen Metz, speaking to 8th grade students and parents.

First grade is ready to dazzle at their Disney concert!

First Graders ready for tonight’s Disney Dazzle concert!

Thank you Mrs. Krepel for sharing your mats you made with plastic bags! Every LITTER bit helps! Second Grade loved it! 🌎

Playground fun!

Not finished yet but looking good.

Mrs. Bellavia’s STEM researching & creating a presentations on the life cycle of a product! #gogreen #earthday #noplanetB #recycle

Congratulations to the following school board members elected to officer positions by the school board:
Mrs. Khushali Shah, President
Mr. Steve Sebastian, Vice President
Mr. Ryan Noonan, Secretary

PG Board of Education welcomed a new member last night (4/23), Mrs. Stephanie Housh. A big "Thank You" to Mr. Joe Ricciardi for your years of service to the school district and community. Your voice will be missed.

Half-day student attendance tomorrow, April 24th.

Mrs. Bellavia’s 7th grade science experimenting with phase changes

We had a beautiful day for our 3rd Grade field trip to the Prairie View Education Center!

7th Graders and their poems written in Spanish all about Nuestra Clase.

Seventh grade drawing interprets their poem of the day

Junior high students create images inspired by their poem of the day

7th Graders enjoying Poem In Your Pocket day!

6th Graders wrote poems in Spanish to celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day.

Happy Earth Day!

Due to today's inclement weather, the track meet at Marengo has been cancelled. There will be no practice and athletes will be going home after school.

PTO Fundraiser Today
Nick's Pizza 4:00-10:00
856 Pyott Road, Crystal Lake