Summer construction update 31 May 2019 (JH)

Summer construction update 31 May 2019 (EL)

PG teachers cruisin into summer ☀️

So much fun at field day, but so hard to say goodbye! 😭 My awesome kindergarteners are now officially 1st graders!!! 🌟

First graders are o “fish” ally second graders!

I”fish”ally a second grader!

Team Orr!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Field day is about to begin!

Memorial Day weekend PG summer project update: walls starting to come down in the elementary library!

PG summer construction has started with demolition in the former JH library, computer lab, and Elementary library. Watch for our weekly updates all summer.

Sunny days in 1st!

Towels and ultra violet rays in first grade!

Readers’ Theater fun in First Grade!

First grade Reader’s Theater!

I have the best students in the world!!

I have the best students in the world!!

Tonight’s guest speaker Ashley Evans

8th grade graduation is about to start!

ABC countdown with Chicago Sports Team Pride!