Summer construction update 31 May 2019 (JH)
almost 6 years ago, John Bute
Future FCS lab
View from future STEM lab
FCS lab trenching for water and appliances
Summer construction update 31 May 2019 (EL)
almost 6 years ago, John Bute
EL library
EL library from hallway
Future EL STEM lab
EL library view from book room
PG teachers cruisin into summer ☀️
almost 6 years ago, Mallory Morse
So much fun at field day, but so hard to say goodbye! 😭 My awesome kindergarteners are now officially 1st graders!!! 🌟
almost 6 years ago, Julia Rohrer
Field day!
Field day!
Field day!
Field day!
First graders are o “fish” ally second graders!
almost 6 years ago, Lindsay Lupo
Second graders!
Second graders!
Second graders!
Second graders!
I”fish”ally a second grader!
almost 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
I”fish”ally a second grader!
Team Orr!
almost 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Team Orr!
Team Orr!
Fun! Fun! Fun!
almost 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Field day is about to begin!
almost 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Field day is about to begin!
Memorial Day weekend PG summer project update: walls starting to come down in the elementary library!
almost 6 years ago, Kevin Werner
PG summer construction has started with demolition in the former JH library, computer lab, and Elementary library. Watch for our weekly updates all summer.
almost 6 years ago, John Bute
Elementary library
Computer lab
JH library
Elementary library
Sunny days in 1st!
almost 6 years ago, Charlie DeVries
Towels and ultra violet rays in first grade!
almost 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
Keep shining! Keep smiling! That’s what friends are for!
Towels and ultra violet rays day in first grade!
Readers’ Theater fun in First Grade!
almost 6 years ago, Charlie DeVries
First grade Reader’s Theater!
almost 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
First grade Reader’s Theater!
I have the best students in the world!!
almost 6 years ago, Dori Bolla
Best class
Best class
Best class
Best class
I have the best students in the world!!
almost 6 years ago, Dori Bolla
Tonight’s guest speaker Ashley Evans
almost 6 years ago, John Bute
Ashley Evans
8th grade graduation is about to start!
almost 6 years ago, John Bute
Graduation crowd
ABC countdown with Chicago Sports Team Pride!
almost 6 years ago, Tracey Orr
ABC countdown with Chicago Sports Team Pride!