Second grade enjoyed making homemade apple sauce today! It was delish! 🍎 🍏 🍎
over 5 years ago, Liz Vinton
Second grade enjoyed making homemade apple sauce today!  It was delish!  🍎 🍏 🍎
Tryouts for 8th Grade Boys Basketball are on Monday at 2:45-5:00 You must have paperwork completed in order to tryout! 1. A current physical must be on file with the nurse 2. Parents and athletes have to fill out the Agreement to Participate
over 5 years ago, PG Athletic Director
Happy Fall
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Janke
Ready for Fall
Congratulations 7th Grade Volleyball B Team defeating Genoa!!
over 5 years ago, Colleen Cotton
First win!
Mrs. Motl starting off our Project B3 Parent Seminar! The Parent’s Guide: Digital Responsibility!
over 5 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Thank you!
Project B3 Parent Seminar is underway!
over 5 years ago, Nicole Motl
Speaker Matt Batt
Be safe. Be smart. Be kind.
Congratulations to our Soccer Club who secured at least a share of the Mid-Northern Conference title with today's hard-fought victory against FRG!! Way to go Panthers!!
over 5 years ago, Kevin Werner
frg 2
Timberlee fun
over 5 years ago, Linda Williams
Timberlee fun
over 5 years ago, Linda Williams
PG FAMILIES, FRIENDS, AND NEIGHBORS: You are invited to celebrate the Grand Opening of the District Learning Center. Sunday, September 29th from 2-3pm in the MPR. Please share the news!
over 5 years ago, WebMaster
PG Ribbon Cutting Invitation
We are so excited to have our sixth graders back after their trip to Timber-Lee! #camplife
over 5 years ago, Molly Bosley
Welcome back!
Our Project B3 kick-off begins today with our ProjectB3 student representatives leading the way!
over 5 years ago, Nicole Motl
4th grade
B3 Project! Great Job JH leaders! Amazing information for all students!
over 5 years ago, Colleen Cotton
Jh leaders
Great Job!
Congrats to our co-ed Soccer Team that earned a hard-fought draw today at Harvard!! ⚽️
over 5 years ago, Kevin Werner
Team building at Timber-lee.
over 5 years ago, Kristin Reedal
Encountering other animals at Timber-lee.
over 5 years ago, Kristin Reedal
A hairless ferret.
Learning about farm animals. We even got to meet some of them at Timber-lee.
over 5 years ago, Kristin Reedal
Encountering turtles and snakes. Lots of fun at Timber-lee.
over 5 years ago, Kristin Reedal
Archery at Timber-lee. We are having a lot of fun.
over 5 years ago, Kristin Reedal
First grade author!
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Janke
First grade author!