PG Elementary is embarking on the Pineapple Project this year!
over 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
Pineapple Project sign-up chart
6th grade STEM diving into the Design Process by designing a furniture item to match their favorite hobby.
over 6 years ago, BETHANY BELLAVIA
Putting pen to paper
Fourth graders practiced their teamwork and communication skills to organize our library. A few even found a good book!
over 6 years ago, Jessica Langosch
4th grade
8th Graders learning about the history of toilet paper and connecting it to learning!
over 6 years ago, Heather Wilke
Connected through learning!
Community Coffee: The first community coffee with Dr. Bute will be WEDNESDAY, August 22, 2018. There will be two sessions at 12 noon and 7pm. All are welcome.
over 6 years ago, John Bute
August 2018 Coffee Agenda
6th grade STEM class is trying the Thinktube to practice the design method.
over 6 years ago, BETHANY BELLAVIA
The 7th graders are trying to recreate the “Thinktube” using observations and the scientific method.
over 6 years ago, BETHANY BELLAVIA
Students experimenting
Experimenting with the Thinktube
Cooperative learning activities underway in 4th grade!
over 6 years ago, Jenna Vaughan
divide and conquer
great groupwork
group 2
Cooperative learning activities underway in 4th grade!
over 6 years ago, Jenna Vaughan
What a fantastic faculty and staff we have at Prairie Grove! Thanks for a wonderful first day of school.
over 6 years ago, Martha Maggiore
First Grade Teachers excited to meet their new students on the first day!
over 6 years ago, Charlie DeVries
First Grade Team
Fantastic first day in kindergarten! Looking forward to seeing my friends again tomorrow!
over 6 years ago, Regan Spizzirri
The wait is over...buses will be rolling out this morning to pick up PG students for the start of the 2018-19 school year!
over 6 years ago, John Bute
Teacher Institute-Day 2
over 6 years ago, John Bute
JH teachers-learning
Guest presenter Les Stevens.
Teacher Institute-Day 2
over 6 years ago, John Bute
Guest presenter, Mrs. Keith, bringing the FUN back to elementary school.
Elementary staff - learning
Looking forward to seeing our Panthers and Parents tonight at Meet the Teacher & Supply Drop-Off! Junior High: Last Name A-M 4:00-4:30 / N-Z 5:00-5:30 Elementary: Last Name A-M 4:30-5:00 / N-Z 5:30-6:00
over 6 years ago, Nicole Motl
PG teachers are excited for the first day of school! #pg46pride
over 6 years ago, WebMaster
PG 46 Technology Director, Scott Martin
over 6 years ago, John Bute
Scott Martin
Afternoon session with Technology Director, Scott Martin.
over 6 years ago, John Bute
Technology meeting
JH staff learning together with new principal, Mrs. Motl.
over 6 years ago, John Bute
Mrs. Motl’s first staff meeting as the JH Principal.