PG Elementary is embarking on the Pineapple Project this year!
6th grade STEM diving into the Design Process by designing a furniture item to match their favorite hobby.
Fourth graders practiced their teamwork and communication skills to organize our library. A few even found a good book!
8th Graders learning about the history of toilet paper and connecting it to learning!
Community Coffee:
The first community coffee with Dr. Bute will be WEDNESDAY, August 22, 2018. There will be two sessions at 12 noon and 7pm. All are welcome.
6th grade STEM class is trying the Thinktube to practice the design method.
The 7th graders are trying to recreate the “Thinktube” using observations and the scientific method.
Cooperative learning activities underway in 4th grade!
Cooperative learning activities underway in 4th grade!
What a fantastic faculty and staff we have at Prairie Grove! Thanks for a wonderful first day of school.
First Grade Teachers excited to meet their new students on the first day!
Fantastic first day in kindergarten! Looking forward to seeing my friends again tomorrow!
The wait is over...buses will be rolling out this morning to pick up PG students for the start of the 2018-19 school year!
Teacher Institute-Day 2
Teacher Institute-Day 2
Looking forward to seeing our Panthers and Parents tonight at Meet the Teacher & Supply Drop-Off!
Junior High: Last Name A-M 4:00-4:30 / N-Z 5:00-5:30
Elementary: Last Name A-M 4:30-5:00 / N-Z 5:30-6:00
PG teachers are excited for the first day of school! #pg46pride
PG 46 Technology Director, Scott Martin
Afternoon session with Technology Director, Scott Martin.
JH staff learning together with new principal, Mrs. Motl.